Cloud Native Computing Team

The Samsung SDS Cloud Native Computing Team's has been a supporter of the Cloud Native movement and an active contributor to Kubernetes from very early on (pre 1.0 release).

What does it mean to be Cloud Native?

Cloud Native is a new Open Source software set of principles that abstract the application from the underlying infrastructure, focuses on automation, and creates easier to maintain application code bases. Cloud Native applications are built around the following core principles:

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is an open-source platform for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

Orchestrated container execution is the key that enables successful cloud native computing. Kubernetes is the best supported and fastest growing orchestration system. CNCT was an early adopter and contributor to Kubernetes since its launch. We are proud to continue to contribute to the success of the project, especially in our leadership of the Scalability SIG and Testing SIG. CNCT participated as a partner at the launch of Kubernetes, and is a regular presenter at KubeCon.

Automation tooling is required to deploy and operate Kubernetes clusters efficiently, as infrastructure options multiply. Using Kubernetes for deployment is the best strategy for keeping degrees of freedom open to use multiple infrastructure options, including public and on-premises. CNCT’s contribution to Kubernetes is centered about the open source K2 project, which provides tools to make it easier to run, manage, and monitor Kubernetes on all of the environments you operate with.

The Cloud Native Computing Team provides open source tools and utilizes the following open source projects in helping customers adopt Cloud Native practices.

Cluster Provisioning

Kraken creates production grade Kubernetes clusters on a range of platforms with a rich set of configurable options.

Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve production infrastructure.

Ansible is the simplest way to automate apps and IT infrastructure.

Container Runtime

containerd is an industry-standard container runtime with an emphasis on simplicity, robustness and portability.

rkt is an application container engine developed for modern production cloud-native environments.

Logging \ Monitoring

Prometheus is a systems and service monitoring system that collects metrics from configured targets at given intervals.

Fluentd collects events from various data sources and writes them to files, RDBMS, NoSQL, Hadoop and so on.


Weave creates a virtual network that connects containers across multiple hosts and enables automatic discovery.

Calico is a new approach to virtual networking and network security for containers,

Flannel is a simple and easy to configure layer 3 network fabric designed for Kubernetes.